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Für mich sind Greenpeace immer noch die Großmeister in Sachen Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen. Schon seit vielen Jahren fällt den guten Leuten immer noch etwas Neues ein, um immer wieder Aufmerksamkeit zu erzeugen und in die Schlagzeilen zu kommen. Hier könnte sich manch Marketeer mal eine Scheibe abschneiden.



Activists of Greenpeace had placed an enormous banner in the hand of the Cristo Redentor (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) at march 16. The message “the future of the planet is in your hands” was addressed to the representatives of governments of the whole world congregated in Curitiba to argue about protection to the different forms of life in the world.



Greenpeace protests against bigger deforestation of the last years in the region of Santarém.
In a remote area of the forest, 120 km of Santarém, in Pará, inhabitants of communities in the region and Greenpeace had protested today against the deforestation. The group of 50 people travelled about 5 hours in precarious conditions arriving at an area of 1.650 hectares totally devastated. There, the group opened a banner of 2.500 square meters with the message „100% Crime“ and planted some trees. In accordance with the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural resources, this is the biggest deforestation of the region in last the seven years.

The president of the Association of the Agricultural Producers of Santarém (Apas), José Donizetti Pires de Oliveira, (responsible for the deforestation), reacted with violence. He and his men passed with the car over the banner some times to destroy it, broke the glass of one of the pickup trucks and attacked the protesters. Nobody was wounded.

Gefunden bei HOUTLUST

Thorsten Schulte